Monday, February 16, 2009


We all gathered on a rainy day at Tiff's to celebrate Valentines Day!

...and yes, there was some serious cookie making going on.

Grammy was so excited to help Gracey and Kaden make some hearts.

The cookies turned out adorable, many of which had a bite or two missing.
After cookies and lunch Jamie came and watched the kids while the"big girls" went to see a movie. Thanks for planning such a fun day mom!


Here is Gracey's little set up. She is all ready to play house with her little bro.


Mel's Family said...

I love Gracey's little "set up".It seems like my kids, my day care kids, and all of my kids friends played with our toy kitchen for years and years. (I still have it) What fond memories. I am envious of your mom... what a fun grandma! I can't wait til I have some of those grandbabies to love on and make cookies with!!! Love to you all. Mel

Mel's Family said...
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Teishi Kennedy said...

Hey! Meels and Gracey are kitchen buddies! Thank heaven for Costco...

Jeri May said...

Gracey looks quite capable with the spatula! What a fun day you all had.