Thursday, February 26, 2009

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This is what I saw this morning when I got on the scale. There is nothing better than being 7 1/2 months prego and weighing nothing! I think I will hold off on getting new batteries for a few months:)


The Lehnick Family said...

But do weigh nothing! LOL...I bet you look so dang cute again being prego...I swear you should of modeled for pregnant have the cutest PREGO look! Hope you are feeling great! Saving more clothes for your little guy...if you still want them...

Katie Waldron said... least your scale doesn't say 'ERR' (error) sometimes. It might as well say "haha too fat", stupid scale. ;)

Hope Gracey is feeling better- missed you on Tuesday!!

Jeri May said...

Felicity you have an amazing-healthy body--whether you're exprecting or not!