Tuesday, May 26, 2009



steven may said...

You can sure tell they are related!
How sweet to see how much Gracey has changed!

Love you all!

Erinn said...

WOW, they definitely look like brother & sister. Love them both!

Amy said...

so cute!

Jeanine said...

WOW thats amazing !! So sweet

Eric, Harmony, Skye, and Sydney said...

So adorable!

Mel's Family said...

That is too cute...amazing how much they look alike at that age! Kiss them for me! XOXOXO mel

The Bishops said...

HOLY!!!! I didn't see so much resemblance but they could be twins there!! So cute!!!

The Lehnick Family said...

Wow...they look so so much alike! How cute! LOVE those BIG eyes! We definately have BIG eyes in the family genes! Glad you are all doing well!

Jeanine said...

Looks like Beckham is the handsome, studly male version of the amazingly beautiful Gracey! I can't wait to meet him- Barrett :)

Sue said...

I called it from the very beginning:)