Monday, November 17, 2008

Rob in Indo 2008

Rob took Gracey surfing this weekend. I wish I would have had my camera:(
She rode all the way in by herself, it was too cute. She had 2 proud parents on the way home.


The Lehnick Family said...

Oh My Goodness! How cute! I knew it would only be a matter of time! Go surf Babe time you've gotta get a picture! How are you feeling by the way? Hope good...thinking about you guys all the time! Love ya!

Erinn said...

Go Gracey, Go!

Teishi Kennedy said...

Ug. I bet she's already better than her aunt Teishi...

Jeanine said...

That reminds me of one time I tried to surf...thought I was all tough and stuff...I couldn't get past the break! I was truly humbled! Love you guys!