At the Beach, covered head to toe in sand with happy faces.
Charlie and Gracey
Abby really likes Beckham. He lets her carry him around and loves the attention.
The girls thought Beckham's budda belly was hilarious and took turns rubbing it. It is pretty darn cute!
Beckham trying to escape.
Beckham makes me melt. I love his sweet dimples when he smiles and his excitement for even the simplest of things. He is 16 months and weighs 18lbs, putting him in the 4th percentile. Beckham adores our boxer Koda. He chants Koda's name the moment he wakes up in the morning and is outside before I can even get breakfast going. Beckham loves food and will eat anything he can get his hands on. This includes non-food items as well, such as chalk,rocks,dirt,bugs. He guzzles soy milk, loves his blankie and is so psyched when Gracey lets him watch the Backyardagins theme song.
Beckham never stops moving for one moment and is always looking for trouble. He would rather play with cleaning supplies (broom,duster,vacuum...) over toys and is always climbing, pulling or damaging something. I cling to the tender moments of my day when I get a hug or a snuggle, because this little guy is always on the run!
We have a special playdate with Skye and Sydney once a week, while their mommy sleeps after a long shift at the hospital. Gracey and Skye are best friends and always look forward to spending their days together.
The other day I laughed out loud when Charlie showed me a picture that she had drawn of my kids. In the picture, Gracey was wearing some crazy glasses and Beckham had druel hanging from his chin. Charlie captured them perfectly :)
Latest creations:
A baby gift for a sweet friend.
An internet order. I had a lot of fun doing this one.
A snuggle with Uncle J after a nap.
Gracey's World
Love this family portrait Gracey drew the other day while I was putting Beckham to sleep.
My little artist
This was my attempt at getting Gracey to go to bed at night. After a month of working on this chart I think we have finally narrowed bed time to a half hour instead 2 hours. :\ Yaaa for sticker bribes!
Harm knows all the EMT's in town from working in the ER. We ran into some at Trader Joes and couldn't pass up an opportunity to check out their truck. Skye is obsessed with Fire Trucks and Trash trucks. Gracey was at summer camp and missed out. Although, she did tell me that the Fire Truck would look way better pink! I totally agree Gracey. :)
If you follow our blog, you know that Rob and I love good food. For our Saturday adventure we drove into San Diego to eat some Naples stamp of approval pizza (who know that existed???) Bruno's did not disappoint and we have been back many times since.
Summer Lovin'
Loving the free mini cones from McDonald's!!!
Loving all of our fresh veggies from our garden.
Fresh carrot's, green beans and snap pea's= the ultimate nutritious snack
Love having my friend home